
JSWISSWith clever wordplay, thought-provoking substance and an infectious energy that drives an exciting live show, JSWISS appeals to hip hop purists and new hip hop audiences alike. A native of Dobbs Ferry, NY, JSWISS is among a class of hip hop artists that blend top notch wordplay and substance with elite musicianship both on stage and on record, putting him alongside the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Chance The Rapper.

If hip-hop gave out superlatives, JSWISS might win for “Most Versatile MC”. In addition to being a standout performer who brings a balance of wordplay, substance and flow to the table, JSWISS possesses an uncanny ability to fit in to many different types of musical compositions.

That ability makes JSWISS a favorite collaborator of top bands and musicians at the intersection of hip-hop and jazz like Maurice “Mobetta” Brown, Daru Jones and Marcus Machado when they a seek a lyricist who can effortlessly fall in where most MCs can’t. You can frequently see JSWISS either performing his own sets or popping up as a featured MC at some of NYC’s most notable venues like Blue Note Jazz Club, Rockwood Music Hall, the Apollo Theater and Fat Cat, many of which rarely feature hip-hop otherwise. On record he’s served as a reliable feature artist for acts ranging from MCs and hip-hop producers, to soul singers, jazz artists, and brass bands.

Since 2009 JSWISS has released several projects, singles and music videos, with his 2019 album Every Word Is A Dollar displaying him at the top of his game lyrically, with a unique musicality curated by JSWISS as well.

“The listenability of his new music, especially how he successfully draws influence from a variety of genres, is also helping to connect him to a widespread audience, with fans of R&B, hip hop, soul, pop and rock all able to find something to like in JSWISS.” – The Source Magazine

“JSWISS has incessantly proven time and time again that he has both the skill and diligence to carry the torch of his esteemed idols.” – 2DopeBoyz

For inquiries (booking, features, beats, press, etc.):

3 thoughts on “Bio

  1. I enjoyed listening to your music JSWISS:) Keep up the great work. Really nice clean rap is what I like as well.
    “Keep rising to the top”

  2. Pingback: Video: JSWISS – “Four Corners” | Poisonous Planet

  3. Pingback: Power of the Tongue Showcase Vol. 1 (A Preview) - Poisonous Planet | Poisonous Planet

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